
One Night Stand


Average from 2 reviews
#pc #playstation 4 #macos #linux #nintendo switch #sex #adventura #příběhová #vizuální novela #ps4 #windows #mac #xbox-one #ps4 pro #switch #xbox one x #kinmoku


Tiscali Games
Nov 12, 2019
Krátký, ale silný, tvárný, uvěřitelný příběh jednoho trapného rána po jedné divoké noci. Některé konce fungují líp než jiné, ale většina stojí za prožití.

Nov 16, 2016
One Night Stand feels more like a think piece than a proper game. It’s strongest on the first playthrough and slowly loses its allure with each subsequent one. Perhaps the most poignant experiences to be had with this game would be playing once or twice and then having conversations with friends about how you felt and what different choices led to what ending. If you’re curious then it would behoove...