


Average from 4 reviews

About game

Olija is a game about Faraday's quest, a man shipwrecked then trapped in the mysterious country of Terraphage. Armed with a legendary harpoon, he and other castaways try to leave this hostile country to return to their homelands.

Through adventurous exploration, narration and razor sharp combat, the player will discover a strange world and its inhabitants, including Olija, an enigmatic lady that Faraday finds himself bound to over time. Inspired by swashbuckling tales and cinematic adventure games, Olija is a story about facing the unknown in adversity.

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Mar 6, 2021
Podařená 2D akce s temnou atmosférou, která vás na pár večerů zabaví. Díky dobře vyvážené obtížnosti si ji užijí všichni aniž by měli chuť rozbít ovladače nebo o ní říkali, že je moc jednoduchá..

Feb 11, 2021
Tento indie titul má modernú hrateľnosť, ale retro vizuál, ktorý môže rozmaznaných súčasných hráčov odradiť. Jednotlivé lokality a úrovne sú však pekné a poskytujú patričnú atmosféru, i keď majú postavy namiesto tvárí len biele štvorčeky a všetko je kostrbaté a plné polygónov. Podobne skromné, ale solídne je aj ozvučenie a melancholická hudba.Olija priplávala na PC a konzoly, aby hráčom priniesla intenzívne...

Game Informer
Feb 5, 2021
Tight gameplay, fun exploration, and an alluring atmosphere turn a disastrous voyage into a rewarding expedition.

Jan 28, 2021
Olija doesn’t do enough to be regarded as generally good, but at the same time doesn’t frustrate to the point of truly damaging the experience. Had Olija been without its frantic, harpoon-wielding combat, the story might’ve been different. Then again, the similar emphasis on a story and a world that feels neither purposeful nor refined, could’ve had the result land in more promising waters too. Perhaps...