
Life is Strange: Episode 2 - Out of Time


Průměr z 8 recenzí
#ps4 #adventury #pc #ps3 #x360 #xbo #square enix #dontnod entertainment #playstation 3 #playstation 4 #xbox one #xbox 360


27. 3. 2015
People are going to talk a lot about the big plot points in Life is Strange, and the second episode will give them plenty to dig into. Max and Chloe have some close brushes with death, averted only by Max’s ability to bend time and space, and the ongoing campaign of harassment against Max’s meek religious friend Kate builds to a potentially heartbreaking conclusion. While these big events are well-designed...

26. 3. 2015
Třetí epizoda vychází až v květnu a už teď je jasné, že to bude dlouhé čekání. Life is Strange je žhavý kandidát na jedno z nejpříjemnějších překvapení roku.

25. 3. 2015
Out Of Time vôbec nesklamal a znova o niečo zvýšil vieru v to, že Dontnod presne vie, čo robí. Ak ste mali po Chrysalis obavy, tie nateraz môžete nechať ležať stranou. O to nepríjemnejší môže byť neskorší pád, takže tuho držme palce, nech k nemu nedôjde.

Game Informer
23. 3. 2015
Life is Strange is back for another episode. Find out how it's shaping up.

Game Informer
23. 3. 2015
Life is Strange is back for another episode. Find out how it's shaping up.

Game Informer
23. 3. 2015
Life is Strange is back for another episode. Find out how it's shaping up.

Game Informer
23. 3. 2015
Life is Strange is back for another episode. Find out how it's shaping up.

Game Informer
23. 3. 2015
Life is Strange is back for another episode. Find out how it's shaping up.